web (englanniksi)
- Määritelmät:
- Internetin hypertekstijärjestelmä, WWW, "verkko", "netti", "weppi".
web (suomeksi)
- verkko (s: the World Wide Web (also spelled Web) / the part of a baseball mitt between the forefinger and thumb, the webbing)
- seitti (s)
- uuma (s)
- verkosto (s: any interconnected set of persons, places, or things)
- ristikko (s: a latticed or woven structure)
- punos (s: a latticed or woven structure)
- varsi (s: the thinner vertical section of a railway rail between the top and bottom of the rail)
- räpylä (s: a fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain birds)
- nauha (s: a continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing / a long sheet of paper)