control (suomeksi)
- tarkistus (s)
- varmistus (s)
- hallinta (s: authority)
- kontrolli (s)
- vertailunäyte (s)
- hallintalaite (s)
- itsehillintä (s: emotional restraint)
- hallita (v: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- ohjata (v: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- kontrolloida (v: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- varmistaa (v: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- valvoa (v: to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
- vertailuryhmä (s: in an experiment)
- hallintalaitteet (s: machine)
- turvajärjestelmä (s: security mechanism)
- ohjain (s: graphical user interface element)
Viimeisimmät haut: control, fire-eaters, sensationalization, duvetyne, yellow-shafted flicker, pubic lice