abandonment (suomeksi)
- hylkääminen (s: act of abandoning / voluntary leaving of a person)
- jättäminen (s)
- jostakin luopuminen (s)
- luovutus (s: maritime law: relinquishment of a property to underwriters)
- luovuttaminen (s: maritime law: relinquishment of a property to underwriters)
- abandoni (s)
- antaumus (s)
- huolettomuus (s)
- luopuminen (s: relinquishment of a right, claim or privilege)
- lakkauttaminen (s: cessation of service)
- palautus (s: refusal to receive freight)
- palauttaminen (s: refusal to receive freight)
- holtittomuus (s: careless freedom)